Thursday, October 27, 2011

Assignment #10

• What is the message that this document communicates? What is the
document’s purpose?
- It wants you to think about if your education is actually worth it.

• Why is it important for this message to be delivered to this audience at
this moment in time?
- Education is very important in or society today.

• How does the document communicate its message? Think about its
use of language, color, space, and symbols.
- There is a snake to get the attention of it, and big letters.
• Who is the audience for this document?
- Anybody who pursues a Education.
• What does the message suggest about the audience’s beliefs and
- They question if the outcome of education is really worth it.

• How accurate are these beliefs about the audience?
- There not really accurate since it is there opinion.

Document Author 
• Who wrote the message?

• What are the writer’s motives for creating this message? How might
the writer personally benefit from the audience’s acceptance of this
- They wan't us to think about all the stuff we are learning in schools and If it will pay off in the future.

Evidence, Support, and Outcomes 
• What facts and specific details does the document use? Are the facts
verifiable and believable?
- It is believable cause people go to school all there life just to end up without a job.
• What emotions does the document use to communicate its message?
- It uses a snake for fierceness.

How is the audience likely to feel when they read this message?
- They are likely to think about what is being said.
• What ethical or moral values does the document use to communicate
its message? What relevant values are not supported by this message?
- That education pays off.
• What will happen if the audience accepts this message?
- They might take a different approach to education.

• What would happen if everyone in the world accepted this message?
- There might be a lot more homeless people, or people not in school.

Overall Impression and Conclusions 
• What is the overall impression of this message? Summarize the details
that you have gathered in your analysis.
- My impression of this political poster is that it makes and interesting point, but it could use some more solid evidence and detail.

• How would you categorize this poster—argument, persuasion, or
propaganda? Explain your choice.
- I would call it an argument, cause they are going against education.


• What is the message that this document communicates? What is the
document’s purpose?
- If we should trust the government or not.

• Why is it important for this message to be delivered to this audience at
this moment in time?
- Yes cause the government has been doing some shady things.

• How does the document communicate its message? Think about its
use of language, color, space, and symbols.
- There is a scary image of a government individual.

• Who is the audience for this document?
- Anybody that is part of a country ruled by a government.

• What does the message suggest about the audience’s beliefs and
- That they do not trust there government.

• How accurate are these beliefs about the audience?
- It can't really be proven, its just your own personal opinion.

Document Author 
• Who wrote the message?

• What are the writer’s motives for creating this message? How might
the writer personally benefit from the audience’s acceptance of this
- He would have more people to back him up.

Evidence, Support, and Outcomes 
• What facts and specific details does the document use? Are the facts
verifiable and believable?
- It uses the fact that government agents do look scary.

• What emotions does the document use to communicate its message?
- It uses fear.

How is the audience likely to feel when they read this message?
- They will think about it and be kind of scared.

• What ethical or moral values does the document use to communicate
its message? What relevant values are not supported by this message?
- That the government is here to protect us.

• What will happen if the audience accepts this message?
- They will turn against the government.

• What would happen if everyone in the world accepted this message?
- We might have a world wide revolution.

Overall Impression and Conclusions 
• What is the overall impression of this message? Summarize the details
that you have gathered in your analysis.
- It makes me think that if our government is really here for us, why do they wear masks and do shady things in the shadows.

• How would you categorize this poster—argument, persuasion, or
propaganda? Explain your choice.
- I say propaganda cause it is bashing a group of individuals, and trying to make people hate them.