Thursday, December 1, 2011

Assignment #12 Organizing Your Presentation

1. Introduction

     A.  Attention-Getter
My plan to get the attention of my audience is to start my video off very dramatic and eye catching.  I plan to start my video off with the symbol of a dove which represents peace, there is also going to be dramatic music playing in the background. As the dove continues its flight it then begins to burst into flames, symbolizing the anarchy side of my topic. I plan to use slow motion too, cause everything looks cooler with slow motion.
    B.  Establish Credibility
I am qualified to speak on this topic because I have went out and did studies on the occupy movement. I have also interviewed individuals who are part of this movement. The information I have gathered is more then enough to give somebody viewing my documentary a understanding of the whole movement.
   C.  Thesis
The main topic that I am going to be covering is Anarchism vs Peaceful Protests. I wan't to go into detail on the effects of Anarchism and how it influences protests.  I want to show peoples views on anarchy and express how they feel about the topic. I also want to find out which one people think has a bigger impact on protesting.
   D.  Preview
The main points for my video will be Anarchy Vs Peace which one is more successful, Which one will help get the main structure of the movement across.

2. Body

    A. First Main Point - Anarchism
         1. I'll show the interviews I have with people covering this topic.
         2. I'll also show clips about anarchy in action, and the effects of it.
    B. Second Main Point - Peacefulness
         1. I'll show clips about the successfulness of peaceful protests.
         2. I'll show interviews about people talking about peace.

    C. Third Main Point - Peacefulness Vs Anarchism
         1. This is where I really go into detail about the main subject at hand.
         2. There will be clips, Interviews, and Narration from me about the subject.

3. Conclusion

    A. This is where things start to slow down and the dramatic music and clips come in.
    B. I bring up the main subject again and give my final comments on it, I'll probably quote something deep and meaningful.
    C. Credits roll in with some Credit Music.

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