Monday, January 30, 2012

Semester Reflection

1.) My final grade was a C, I don't understand how I got a C, I wanted my grade to be a B or A at least. I did a whole bunch of work and was able to get my grade up to a B. I also did good on my Final and Received a B on it, but I guess that B on my final brought my grade down somehow. I thought finals were supposed to bring your grade up now lower it. I guess I'll just have to accept what I got even though Im not happy about it.

2.) My favorite project was the Picasso Piece that we worked on. Making it was a great experience and I enjoyed the field trip that we took to the Picasso Exhibit. My least favorite project was the Documentary on   the Occupy Movement. I didn't like how it ended up and it was confusing.

3.) My senior year has been great and one of the best years of High School that I have experienced so far. I am on track to graduate and I have all the credits that are necessary for it. Im doing all my work and that is keeping me on track. I just have to stay focused and in the end I will succeed. I can't wait until I graduate so I won't have to worry about these classes anymore.

4.) Im looking forward to not having to take a whole bunch of classes that aren't necessary for my job. I can't wait to have more free time on my hands. Im just ready to live life and experience it to the fullest. I am kind of nervous cause the real world can be a scary place. I know that if I keep my confidence I will be able to become successful.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Activity #15 Free Write

Something that holds great regard in my life, has to be Hayward Tennyson Skatepark, but as we the Skaters who are the Locals there we call it 10 10. I have experienced some of the creates memories greatest memories that define who I am today. I remember waking up early everyday, going downstairs to get break fast and right after leaving my house to head over to Tennyson Skatepark. When I would arrive there all my friends would already be there and we would just spend the whole day skating without a care in the world. Time seemed non existent when I was there and nothing could ruin my day. I was able to push my self farther as a Skater and as a Person. Skating at Tennyson gave me the courage and the confidence I needed to make it in this world. I experienced my first Skate Competition there and also where I hit my first Rail. I met people there who eventually became like brothers to me. Even though things would get sketchy at times cause Tennyson Skate Park is in a bad area, we never let that stop us from doing what we love which is Skateboarding. I wouldn't trade all the jokes and laughs that I've experienced in that park for anything else in the world. It was sad to see less and less people show up and eventually the park became a ghost town...Even though things won't be the same anymore I still have my memories and with those Tennyson Park will never die.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Assignment #14 Revise Artist Statement

By studying some of Picasso’s great work, I was able to pick what kinds of style I would work with. I worked with photo shop and used all the tools that it provided, such as the brush and it’s warping feature. I used these to give my piece a kind of distorted perspective look, It doesn’t look like a normal painting. When I started I wasn’t really sure what it would end up looking like but I'm satisfied with the final result. I hope my piece makes people think harder then when they look at regular paintings I used bright colors such as green and yellow you express how happy I am in life. I don’t have any sad colors cause I am rarely ever sad in life. I decided to base the final look of my piece on my hope’s and dreams and the inner workings of my complex mind. The stars represent what I am shooting for in life, my goal in life is to be a star and to be recognized by every single person in the world.