Friday, January 13, 2012

Assignment #14 Revise Artist Statement

By studying some of Picasso’s great work, I was able to pick what kinds of style I would work with. I worked with photo shop and used all the tools that it provided, such as the brush and it’s warping feature. I used these to give my piece a kind of distorted perspective look, It doesn’t look like a normal painting. When I started I wasn’t really sure what it would end up looking like but I'm satisfied with the final result. I hope my piece makes people think harder then when they look at regular paintings I used bright colors such as green and yellow you express how happy I am in life. I don’t have any sad colors cause I am rarely ever sad in life. I decided to base the final look of my piece on my hope’s and dreams and the inner workings of my complex mind. The stars represent what I am shooting for in life, my goal in life is to be a star and to be recognized by every single person in the world.

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