Monday, January 30, 2012

Semester Reflection

1.) My final grade was a C, I don't understand how I got a C, I wanted my grade to be a B or A at least. I did a whole bunch of work and was able to get my grade up to a B. I also did good on my Final and Received a B on it, but I guess that B on my final brought my grade down somehow. I thought finals were supposed to bring your grade up now lower it. I guess I'll just have to accept what I got even though Im not happy about it.

2.) My favorite project was the Picasso Piece that we worked on. Making it was a great experience and I enjoyed the field trip that we took to the Picasso Exhibit. My least favorite project was the Documentary on   the Occupy Movement. I didn't like how it ended up and it was confusing.

3.) My senior year has been great and one of the best years of High School that I have experienced so far. I am on track to graduate and I have all the credits that are necessary for it. Im doing all my work and that is keeping me on track. I just have to stay focused and in the end I will succeed. I can't wait until I graduate so I won't have to worry about these classes anymore.

4.) Im looking forward to not having to take a whole bunch of classes that aren't necessary for my job. I can't wait to have more free time on my hands. Im just ready to live life and experience it to the fullest. I am kind of nervous cause the real world can be a scary place. I know that if I keep my confidence I will be able to become successful.

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