Thursday, September 22, 2011

Assignment #1: The History of Cave Paintings

I picked this cave painting because it's really simple and you are able to get a sense of whats going on really fast. It shows how life was back then, where you actually had to go out and hunt for food in order to survive. This painting makes me respect how hard life was for them back then.


This is a ancient Chadian cave painting found in Chad. I chose this painting because It is a peaceful one, It shows people and animals getting along with each other. Are ancestors way of life back then was way more l peaceful then ours everybody was able to co-exist with each other and they all got along.

1. What are cave paintings?
    -Paintings done on the walls of caves by a ancient civilization.

2. How old are the oldest paintings?
    -The oldest rock painting is estimated to be about 40,000 years old.

3. When the Europeans first encountered cave paintings, why were they believed to be a hoax?
     -It was hard to believe that early humans were smart enough to draw pictures on walls.

4. Why are cave paintings important to study?
     - Cave paintings are important to study because it will help us get a understanding of our ancestors past life.

5. What were the common themes that these painting showed?
     - They showed a lot of wild life, and basically the culture of the time and how they lived.

6. What were the Shamans Thought of doing in the caves?
     - They liked to submerge themselves in the darkness and paint images.

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