Thursday, September 22, 2011

Assignment # 4: Pablo Picasso Webquest

1. What is his full name? Pablo Die

go José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso

2.When was he born? October 25, 1881

3. When did he die? April 8, 1973

4. Find out the names of his parents,brothers or sisters? Father: Jose Ruiz Blasco

Mother: Maria Picasso Y Lopez

Sisters: Lola(Born 1884), Conchita(1887)

5. What were the names of Picasso´s wives or lovers? What were their nationalities? Olga Koklova - Russian

Jaqueline Roque - French

7. What are his children and grandchildren´s names? Paulo, Maya, Claude, and Paloma

8. Which topics did he paint about? Peoples Distorted Portraits, Images of Women/Lovers, Nudes, Politics, Still-Lives

9.Why did he go away from Spain? Where did he live? To Expand his Art he moved to Spain.

10. In which way did he influence the concept of painting? He made abstract images that were hard to decipher, and made people wonder what they were about.

11. Main events that influenced his life? Women and the war influenced his complex aproach to his art.

Find a Cubist Painting by Picasso (not a self portrait). Upload and site this image on your blog along with the name of the painting and date it was painted.

Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907)

12. Describe some people, objects, and/or animals in his paintings(what they look like,the clothes they are wearing,their personality). He paint's a lot of pictures of Women, probably because they were a main factor in his life. He had a lot of affairs in his lifetime, there is nudity in his paintings and his figures are posing very sexually suggestive.

He paints a lot of women and there all naked, Picasso had a thing for Nudity.

13. Is there anything special about the people´s faces or bodies? Picasso uses distortion in his images so it's hard sometimes to tell what his image is about.

The faces for his drawings look like african tribal masks, It is safe to assume that he was influenced heavily by african art.

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