Friday, September 30, 2011

Assignment #6- Pablo Picasso Cubist Painting Upload Portrait

Beyond The Brush Stroke
Picasso was more then a man, he was pure inspiration. The art work that he created

will forever be a part of history. His masterpieces showed art from a whole different perspective then what was normal for most people. He used many different elements of design such as Line, Color, Shape, Value, Texture, and Space. His style of art work really influenced my art piece and I incorporated some of his pizazz into my photo shop Picasso piece. Thank’s to his artistic skill I was able to turn my art piece from something boring into something unique.

By studying some of Picasso’s great work, I was able to pick what kinds of style I would work with. I worked with photo shop and used all the tools that it provided, such as the brush and it’s warping feature. I used these to give my piece a kind of distorted perspective look, It doesn’t look like a normal painting. When I started I wasn’t really sure what it would end up looking like but I'm satisfied with the final result. I hope my piece makes people think harder then when they look at regular paintings.

The project assignment was to create a Picasso piece similar to the ones created by the one and only Pablo Picasso. I didn’t really start with a vision, as my piece progressed, I began to develop ideas on how I wanted it to end up. I decided to base the final look of my piece on my hope’s and dreams and the inner workings of my complex mind. I think the final look shows the wonder and complex thinking that I am capable.

The mood that im trying to get across in my painting is one of wonder and amazement,
I want people to look at my piece and feel completely lost. That's why I made it look like I'm floating in space. I used bright colors such as green and yellow you express how happy I am in life. I don’t have any sad colors cause I am rarely ever sad in life. The stars represent what I am shooting for in life, my goal in life is to be a star and to be recognized by every single person in the world. I think I did a good job of expressing my self in my Picasso art piece.

Picasso was more then a man he was pure inspiration, there will never ever be another person like him. It’s great to see that his artwork still influences people to this very day, like it influenced me. I hope other people will follow his example and make art that will help express themselves. Picasso may be gone but his Inspiration is something that will live on forever through his art.

Victor Lewis

Period 6 Visual Communications 10/25/11

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